Holiday Sex Doesn’t Have to Mean Stress

5 ways to take the pressure off and enjoy your partner

Kiki Wellington


Photo by on DepositPhotos

Even during normal circumstances, people can find it challenging to make time for their partners. And when you throw in the added stress of the holiday season, you may be feeling even more pressure when trying to get pleasure — and although you want to enjoy some alone time together, there may be anxiety around holiday intimacy.

But it doesn’t have to be that way. There are several things couples can do to take the stress out of holiday sex, so they can get through the rest of the season while still enjoying their intimate time together.

Don’t Make Holiday Sex a Chore

Chances are, you have a huge to-do list you need to get through before the holidays are over — but sex with your partner should not be treated like a chore on that list. Instead, Dr. Britney Blair, Co-Founder of the sexual wellness app Lover and Founder of The Clinic, an independent mental health clinic in Northern California, suggests that couples make sex a priority, but still keep it light and fun so it doesn’t feel like a job.

“There’s nothing better than holding your partner at the end of a stressful day.” — Nikolina Jeric

