How Does Sex Work Affect Future Career Opportunities?

What to include on a resume — the sex worker’s conundrum

Ash Jurberg
Published in
7 min readOct 5, 2022


Source: Adobe Library

Social media is often a place of moral outrage.

A platform where people congregate to express concern over how other people live their lives or, in many cases, what other people are doing wrong.

One of the worst of these is LinkedIn.

Post something personal — people complain. Brag about an accomplishment — critical comments will follow.

Update your career experience to include Sex Work — go viral and ensure a steady stream of hate and vitriol.

This is what happened to Arielle Egozi when they updated their LinkedIn profile and included sex work on their list of jobs.

Among a range of marketing and advertising jobs, Arielle listed Sex Work.

Source: Shot of Arielle's post from LinkedIn

The majority of the LinkedIn community was up in arms.

Sex work? On LinkedIn! Surely not.

The dilemma

We have all lied on our resumes — even if it is just a little embellishment.

