How I Started My Escort Business

Striking out on my own as an escort was exhilarating.

Rachel Raven


Photo by Makhmutova Dina on Unsplash

I had enough of the fast food industry-like atmosphere of massage parlors. I wanted to strike out on my own. I was like anyone who wanted to freelance. I wanted to have control, freedom and independence. I wanted to be my own boss. The sex boss.

My guess is that when most sex workers get discouraged by their job, they either suck it up or quit. But, there was enough I liked about it that I wanted to find a business model that worked for me.

So, the first step was to research to see how I might create a career path. However, society wasn’t as sex-positive in my early 20's as it is now. There weren’t any books about how to become a sex worker. There were no blogs about the subject yet; it was before sharing your most intimate experiences online really got big. No YouTube videos describing the intricate details of starting an escort business.

I wanted to be my own boss. The sex boss.

I was starting out during a time before social media got big. It was basically a world of relative privacy. There was no free flow of illicit information.

So, I started by calling some of the numbers on the Backpage of our local weekly, which had provided me the original…



Rachel Raven

I love writing sensual stories and sharing them with other people.