How to Approach a Woman in a Non-Threatening Way

It’s about being direct — while eliminating all traces of pressure

Laura Rosell


Brown-eyed woman with tan skin and black bob is seated on a black couch in a public place. She looks toward the camera with a neutral but curious expression.
Photo by Allef Vinicius on Unsplash

I want to start with some praise for the sapphic women of the world — these ladies don’t need my help. In my experience, women tend to have a keen intuitive sense of how other women would like to be approached. Any woman who’s ever hit on me has done so in a totally non-threatening manner. Guys, however, often feel totally lost… and screw this up majorly. So I’m here to help the dudes.

Here’s the scene: a woman out in the wild has caught your eye… but you’re a good guy. You realize that women might feel uneasy when approached by a random man they don’t know. You’d love to meet her, but you don’t want her to feel threatened in any way.

What can you do?

The answer to this question is all about space.

I don’t just mean, “Be mindful of your setting.” Yes, women often feel unsafe when approached in places that are dark, places where we are isolated, and from angles we couldn’t see a moment earlier. This is why you’d ideally only approach us in the light of day or in a well-lit location, around other people, and from the front (don’t sneak up on us!). I don’t just mean, “Be mindful of personal space” either. It goes without saying that throughout your…



Laura Rosell

Love, sex, dreams, soul, adventure, healing, feeling. Available for projects.