How to Date a Virgin, If You’re Not One

Don’t judge a virgin by their cover

Jessica Wildfire


Mikhail Kayl

One of my best friends stayed a virgin until her early 30s — not out of religion, or choice, but circumstance.

Despite her looks and personality, virginity made dating more and more difficult. One guy summed up all her challenges when he gasped on their third date and said, “Is this just who you are as a person? I mean, how long am I going to have to wait?”

She said she didn’t know. “Maybe until we’ve dated a little longer?” The guy didn’t like her answer, so he ghosted.

He didn’t understand:

Virginity doesn’t mean anything by itself. But your attitude toward it says everything about you.

Finally, my friend met someone who didn’t care that much if she was a virgin. He loved her. Now they’re married.

What did he do right?

Ditch the idea of virginity

It’s done a lot more damage to our culture than good — from purity balls to famous rappers violating their daughters’ bodies. But the damage works both ways. Our culture seems to judge anyone who waits too long, or not long enough. You can’t win. The truth? Once you’re an adult, “losing”…

