How to Play a Woman’s Clitoris and Vagina Like a Guitar God

Virtuoso tip number 1: It’s all about pleasure, not performance

Kaye Smith PhD


“He drove his tongue inside her, setting off another shattering moan that was music to his ears. She was quite an instrument to play, so finely tuned, and if he touched her right, she made the most glorious sounds — raw, intense, absolutely delicious noises of pleasure as he plundered her with his tongue. — Lauren Blakely

When it comes to sex, the vulva is an exquisite instrument capable of producing and sending incredible sensations. But all women are different. And what sends Carry Ann to the moon will send Susan screaming out the door.

Now, this could be said of men as well. We are all different and enjoy different things. However, women tend to be far more variable than men in regards to most aspects of sexuality.

This can make hetsex problematic for women who want pleasure and men who want to give them pleasure.

So, what’s a dude to do with a lovely pussy when one's right in his face? Well, here are some things to keep in…



Kaye Smith PhD

I am a life coach, sex educator, and fine art photographer. Check me out at