How To Recognize The Signs of Female Arousal

Women get erections similar to men's erections

Carlyn Beccia


The signs of female arousal
Correggio — Jupiter and Io, 1520–1540 | Public Domain

Many of us learn about sexuality through Hollywood. Those scripts usually follow the same narrative arc.

A sweaty couple embraces, limbs intertwining. The man grunts and penetrates her. The woman tilts her head back and moans softly. She grabs the sheets, and they orgasm in unison. Cue the musical crescendo.

Yeah, that woman's chances of orgasming are as likely as a man orgasming from her only playing with his balls.

These sex scripts are damaging because they do not reflect reality. Rarely do we see scenes with direct clitoral stimulation — oral sex or touching the vulva or clitoris. We should all know the pleasure stats by now. Only 18% of women orgasm from penetration alone.

To close the orgasm gap, women have started "The Clit Test" movement to pressure Hollywood to portray female pleasure on screen. To pass The Clit Test, a film must show clitoral stimulation and not solely focus on penetration.

Getting Hollywood to focus on the clitoris is a great place to start, but it won't close the orgasm gap if we don't understand the science of female arousal.

Here are some physical indicators that your partner is about to levitate off the bed.



Carlyn Beccia

Author & illustrator. My latest books — 10 AT 10, MONSTROUS: THE LORE, GORE, & SCIENCE, and THEY LOST THEIR HEADS. Contact: