How to Respond When a Man Tells You He Has Blue Balls

On a summer night in Barcelona, thankfully I knew it wasn’t my problem

Sarah Stroh


Photo of author by Austin Fassino

It was Bastille Day in France, and the line to check-in wrapped around the airport. I sighed as I took my place at the end of it. Then a young fit couple got in line behind me.

The man wore a T-shirt that looked like it had been on several days in a row, and the woman wore pants that looked like they had been purchased at a gift shop in Asia.

“Are you going to Barcelona as well?” I asked.

“Yes,” said the woman, whose name I learned was Rania. They seemed happy I’d struck up a conversation.

They were also backpacking across the world, so we had a lot to talk about. The long line flew by, and at the check-in desk, the man, Josh, asked if we could all sit together on the plane.

An invitation

I sat on the aisle, Josh in the middle, and Rania at the window. After chatting some more, he asked if I wanted to crash in their hotel room with them that night.

Rania nodded her head with a warm smile of agreement.

I’d already booked a hostel that I would get charged for either way. But I liked this couple and was curious where the night…



Sarah Stroh

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