How To Take Sexy Photos With Your Partner

It’s not as simple as grabbling a camera and clicking a button

Amber Radcliffe


Licensed from Canva

There comes a time in many relationships where a couple decides they want some quality sexy photos to keep on hand. However taking sexy photos for two, the kind you keep and cherish, is harder than some would think. But with careful planning and honest conversations you can have an erotic photo session that will provide photos you’ll want to keep forever.

Find some inspiration

If you’re not someone who naturally feels like a sex goddess you’ll want to peruse some boudoir photos online so you can get a feel of what kind of mood you want to capture. Are you thinking something traditional? How about some cosplay? Super sultry or casually sexy? There are thousands of inspirations out there ready to help you unleash our sexiest self on camera.

Decide if you’re going amateur or professional

Look, if you want to get the best shots possible it’s best to have someone else take the photos. Professionals know about lighting and can help coax you into the best positions that guarantee a flattering end result. You can be a stone-cold fox and look like a potato if your positioning is bad. However if you’re looking to save money that’s…



Amber Radcliffe

Writer interested in love, self, creativity, and chocolate.