“I Am Not a F*ck Boy. I Am a Male Slut.”

What exactly is a f*ck boy?

Zara Everly


Photo by Jonas Kakaroto on Unsplash

“So what? I like to fuck.”

“I just have a high sex drive.”

“I am not a fuck boy. I am a male slut. There is nothing wrong with that.”

I have heard a number of men make variations of this statement across social media platforms. Fuckboys get a bad rap. They aren’t bad guys, they say. They just really like sex and they like to have a lot of it.

They are just male sluts. That’s all.

They point out how slut shaming women is bad. Women can have all of the sex they want, and the world is ok with it.

Naturally, this is not true but let's just try to flow with their logic.

They proclaim that it is a double standard. Women can be promiscuous and that’s ok. However, when men are they are demonized as fuck boys. This is slut shaming!

A sexually experienced man is far from shameful or threatening. He is yummy.

A fuck boy and a male slut are separate entities.

There is nothing wrong with a man who really likes sex (in fact, I think there is a lot that is…



Zara Everly

Writing and research information professional. Bibliophile. Forever English major. Literary harlot.