I Filmed My Vagina While I Masturbated

It taught me a lot about myself

Holly Paige


Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

Most of us reach the point of bodily curiosity where we take a mirror and look at our genitals up close and personal. Those hidden places we can’t see just by looking down.

I’m assuming it’s the same for men, though I’ve never actually asked my partner. If I had a cock and balls, I’d definitely be viewing things at all kinds of angles and seeing what my bits looked like from underneath.

I didn’t grab a mirror and study my vagina until I was a teenager — and what a strange, unusual new world it was. Now, with my partner’s shaving mirror on the bathroom shelf always within reach, I’m a regular observer. Once or twice a month, I check things out. I do this for a couple of reasons — to see how my grooming situation is or to check for ingrown hairs. I also like to see what it looks like when I do Kegels or how my natural lubricant is doing at that time of the month. Especially since I got my IUD, which is putting my lubrication into overdrive much of the time.

Eventually, I studied photos of other women’s vaginas online. I was intrigued by our similarities, but even more fascinated with our unique differences. Not every woman’s vagina is varying shades of pink like mine. Not every clit is located a bit high like mine. Not every gal has inner labia smaller…



Holly Paige

Curious creature, pursuer of passion, unbeliever in limiting or lengthy bios. Email me at hollypaige.writer@gmail.com.