I Regret My Awkward Threesome With a Married Couple

Here’s what I’d change if I could do it again.

Evangeline Grace


Image credit: Charlie Bard/Shutterstock

“I want to ask you for a favor,” my gym buddy, Vanessa, announced over drinks at our favorite bar. It was Friday night — we’d already knocked back a few cocktails, and we were steadily getting gigglier. “My fifth wedding anniversary is coming up soon. And I’d like to do something really special for my husband.”

“Aww, congratulations! What do you need help with? Do you want my advice choosing lingerie?” I grinned at her, gleeful as a teenager. “Or are you planning a surprise party?”

“I’m planning a surprise, yes… But it’s not a party.” Vanessa’s face flushed. She averted her gaze. She kept me in suspense for a moment as she sipped her piña colada through a straw.

When her eyes settled on mine again, they were vulnerable, almost pleading. “To celebrate, I thought Liam and I could have our first ever threesome. And I was wondering…” She cleared her throat. “Would you like to join us?”

I met Vanessa at a time in my life when I had very few other friends. At 29, I was already a divorcee. I was miserable in my job and lived alone in a run-down apartment. Spending my free time at the 24-hour gym had become my hobby for want of something better to do.



Evangeline Grace

Sex and relationships can get messy and complicated. I write to make sense of the mess.