I Write Escort Profiles. 5 Things You Should Know.

Don’t call them prostitutes.

Greyson Ferguson
Published in
4 min readOct 8, 2020


Photo by Ferdinand studio on Unsplash


For legal reasons, you can’t call them prostitutes.

Because paying money for sex is illegal. But paying money to someone to spend time with you is perfectly fine. What you do during that time is up to you.

Over the years I’ve written for a number of clients. 99.99% of them are agonizingly boring.

One of those clients though sets up online profiles for escorts.

Vegas escorts, Miami escorts, SoCal escorts. If you’ve looked them up in a major city you may have come across a profile penned by yours truly.

Because I’ve written hundreds of them. That’s not an inflated number like a bro’s bench press max or what your ex said they earned in a month.

I’ve likely written for more escorts than clients those escorts ever “spent time” with.

And here’s what I’ve learned.

The Profiles Are Fake

Every word in those profiles is fake. Where they’re from, what they like to do in their free time, the broken English because they are Eastern European immigrants. All fake.



Greyson Ferguson

You might hate my first story, but maybe you’ll like the next. Ever dream of moving out of the U.S.? I wrote a book that can help: https://t.ly/OcQYG