If Women Talked About Masturbation The Way Men Do

It’s a pretty normal thing for me.

Michelle Brown
Published in
4 min readMay 20, 2019


I’m a healthy, sexual woman. I’m not ashamed to discuss my sex life with people I’m comfortable with. In fact, talking about sex with my close female friends was something of a ritual in my 20s.

Those salacious, sometimes shocking discussions we had about our sexual experiences over morning coffee or an evening glass of wine are some of my fondest memories.

But now that I’m older, those dear friends live far away, and we’re all pretty busy managing careers, relationships, and families. There’s not much time anymore for gossip or to talk about our latest sexual escapades.

I will say, that in the midst of all the female sex talk, there was one thing that we women didn’t discuss on a regular basis. Masturbation.

Yes, I said it!

I mean, I think we all kind of assumed that each one of us masturbated and we may have touched on it briefly at times, but there wasn’t a super deep discussion about it.

In regards to pleasuring myself, it’s a pretty normal thing for me. It has been most of my life since my preteen years. Is that weird? Sometimes I do wonder.

I don’t see many conversations or jokes about it in movies or on television. Men…



Michelle Brown

Coffee Shop Gypsy. Word Practitioner. Editor of Heart Affairs + more... Like what I write? You can find more at my Substack https://ponderingnook.substack.com/