If You Find Yourself Attracted to a Married Man…

Questions I wish I’d asked myself before taking the plunge.

Marilyn Flower


I lost my virginity to a married man.

I didn’t plan it that way, and it violated my values at the time, but I did it anyway.

Of course, I was in love. Of course, when he said he was an open marriage, I believed him. I only heard her version later.

To make matters worse, or more interesting depending, their eighteen-month-old baby crawled on the bed, grinning from ear to ear, trying to get in on the action.

It was awkward enough being naked with him and vulnerable with him, and having intercourse with him, but having the baby watch? I would be traumatized for life!

So instead, and against his better judgment, he put her in her crib. This pissed her off. Wanting attention, she screamed the whole time. So maybe she’s now traumatized for life.

Getting the Wife’s Perspective

Later, his wife explained that it’s way easier for married men to find willing partners than married women. She was available while he was with me — and others, it turned out.

But guys were leery. Isn’t that interesting? We’re they more conservative? More moralistic? More…



Marilyn Flower

Writer, sacred fool, improviser, avid reader, novel forthcoming, soul collage facilitator, prayer warrior and did I say writer? https://linktr.ee/marilynflower