I’ll Expose My Body, but My Pleasure Is Private

Why I won’t receive oral sex in public

Ena Dahl
Published in
6 min readMar 11, 2020


I find myself in extremely fortunate circumstances; my man not only loves going down on me, but he does it with gusto—and, if I may say—with excellence. For a long time. As often as he can.

He’s so eager that I occasionally have to turn him down:

—Thank you, but I really can’t handle another orgasm!

If that’s not a luxury problem, I don’t know what is. It wouldn’t even be fair to call it a problem—it’s a straight-up luxury.

While I absolutely love to reciprocate, a lot, he certainly has me beat when it comes to the sheer amount of hours spent offering lip service. Not that I’m keeping track—nor am I complaining!

But, there’s one thing I just can’t let him do.

Apart from when I’ve already had a handful of ecstatic orgasms and desperately need to sleep or start my day, there’s one other occasion where I have to decline:

Cunnilingus in public.

My lover, I’ve come to learn, is quite the exhibitionist. I always thought I was bad, but I have nothing on him when it comes to getting silly in public without giving a damn what people think.



Ena Dahl

Multidisciplinary creatrix; conscious kink & sensuality coach, educator, author, energy worker & rope (s)witch.