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I’m The Peach In Your Stock Photo And I’d Like You To Stop Sexualizing Me Please

Just because I’m sexy, doesn’t mean you can shove your fingers in me

Published in
2 min readFeb 12, 2020


Hey! Peach here with some words for you sex writers out there. First, I want to say that I’m a big fan of everything you do. We need more positivity in the sex-space, a way to let readers know that their kinks and desires should be celebrated, not shamed.

That being said, I want to say I am a fruit who doesn’t appreciate you sticking your fingers into me. Nor do I really enjoy being over-sexualized for the way I look.

I get it! You need a symbol for sex. Something that is juicy and represents forbidden fruit. But unlike the original forbidden fruit, the apple, you need something that someone could imagine sticking a dick through. And that’s why you use me, the peach.

Here’s the thing; I want no part in your sexy reindeer games.

Do you know what it’s like to come to the city, with big dreams of becoming a model in a prestigious food publication for the pie season? Or gracing the webpage of some popular food blogger who is going to tell you 101 ways to make the most of those peaches this July. Heck, I’d even settle to be the shill for a smoothie ad.

