In a Sexless Marriage, the Spouse Who Wants Sex Should Get a Hall Pass

It’s the ethical thing to do but most married partners would never allow it.

Emme Witt-Eden
Published in
5 min readMay 22, 2021


Photo by Klaus Nielsen from Pexels

Meet Partners A and B. They’re in a monogamous relationship. However, Partner A no longer wants to have sex with Partner B.

They’re married and Partner A does not want to divorce Partner B. Nevertheless, Partner A is tired of Partner B pestering them for sex.

What’s the solution? There are several.

Solution #1: Partners A and B can continue to live together in this impasse, which will lead to more marital strife and misery.

Solution #2: Partner B can cheat on Partner A with another person. This is the most typical choice.

If Partner A finds out, this will crush them. Partner B also has to lead a life of secrecy and lies, which is uncomfortable.

Solution #3: Partner A comes to terms with the fact they no longer want to have sex with Partner B and instead allows Partner B to pursue sexual relations with other people.

Partner A effectively gives Partner B a hall pass. Yes, this is like when we were kids and we had to ask the teacher for a hall pass to go to the bathroom.



Emme Witt-Eden

Sex, relationships, and culture writer. Kink expert. Author of Confessions of a Middle-Aged F-Girl.