Most Women Literally Can’t Afford A Relationship Right Now

Risks are too high, output is too low, and if you’re the breadwinner, you may not even have a real partner.

Ossiana Tepfenhart


Photo by René Ranisch on Unsplash

I was talking to a friend of mine who is doing fairly well for herself. Cara* works as a nurse. (Yes, I have a nurse friend. It’s weird considering my background, I know.)

Cara is a nurse who makes a decent salary and can afford to rent an upscale apartment in her neighborhood. Every weekend, she goes to a fancy restaurant and treats herself to brunch with bottomless mimosas.

When she feels like it, she gets a new pair of leggings from the mall and treats herself to lipgloss from Morphe. She also hits yoga classes three times a week and has a purebred dog.

Overall, she’s got a nice life. Hell, most people would find it to be enviable. At a casual glance, her life is complete. The only thing she seems to be lacking is a guy.

Eventually, I had to ask her why I never saw her dating anyone — male or female. She admitted that she’s straight, and then she dropped a bombshell that made me think.

She shrugged, “I can’t afford to date or marry, financially speaking.”

Wait, what?



Ossiana Tepfenhart

I’m a weirdo who loves to write. Deal with it. Available for hire. Instagram @ossiana.makes.content