My 8 Burning, Unanswered Questions on Sex

From existential to kinky, here’s what I’m mentally masturbating over.

Zoe Naz


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For the curious and restless like me, here’s what I think about laying in bed. To set the scene, not usually naked and in the act. Then my thoughts are preoccupied with other stimuli. But for when sheep counting gets old…

1. Does porn mean voyeurism is in our blood?

What do you do when you hear someone having sex next door? Cover your ears, leave the room you’re in, or get real quiet and put your ear closer to the source. Thought so.

The word voyeur, after all, comes from the french word “voir,” which means to see, so don’t worry, your fetish is safe with me.

2. If we prostitute out our time every day, aren’t we all paying one way or another for sex?

Time is our most valuable currency. We can never earn it back, yet we swipe it away and spend it on short-term thrills. And there’s nothing wrong with that; let’s just be honest with ourselves. Like Fernando Pessoa once said, “To be understood is to prostitute oneself.” There’s no elitism here.

3. Is sex like fashion where everything old becomes…



Zoe Naz

Writer | Provocative ideas on sex, relationships & culture | Lover of darkness, duality, and depth /