My Date Asked Me to Call Him Daddy and Be His Little Girl

Usually, I’m a try anything once kind of gal.

Bradlee Bryant


Image by Sammy-Williams from Pixabay

“I like it when a girl calls me daddy.”

His words made me pause right in the middle of the hotel lobby we had just entered. Had I heard him correctly? I scanned his face and noted his serious expression, and quickly asked, “wait, what?”

I was pretty sure the look on my face was already giving away my coming objection to his poorly timed request, but he persisted, “Would you do that for me? Can I be your daddy tonight, little girl?”

Well, this was alarming.

Somehow, this potential partner who had my juices flowing only moments before managed to dry up every ounce of my desire in a matter of seconds. Alarm bells were ringing in my ears, and there was no way I wanted to go back to his room now.

No, I will not call you daddy, and more importantly — I’m not a little girl.

I’m not into the daddy kink.

We have three kids at home, and they all refer to their dad as daddy or pops. I have a dad that I love, respect, and have a great relationship with, and I haven’t called him daddy in at least 20 years.

