My First Experience of Anal Sex Was Rape but I Enjoy It Now

How to butt f**k with consent

Doran Lamb


Women lying face down on bed looking at camera
Photo by Molly Champion from Pexels

I guess many rapes occur after a night out involving alcohol. I can’t remember the night out, somewhere with friends, somewhere late, but I’ll never forget what happened when we got home.

We were in the honeymoon phase, so we’d fuck for hours. After arriving home from our night out, that was what happened. At some point we were on all fours, and he began to show interest in my butt, I said no, I don’t want that, please don’t. But he didn’t listen and just kept going, even though I was clearly in pain.

I guess he enjoyed the power. Or was he caught up in the moment? A classic excuse from men who are accused of rape.

I’m sure if asked he’d say men do that in porn. But I am loathed to blame porn for men pushing boundaries. I watched Breaking Bad but I didn’t start a meth lab. And I have never seen porn where anal is forced on a woman unless it’s rape porn. The truth is anal was what he wanted, whether he was influenced by porn or not, and he was going to get what he wanted whether I wanted it or not.

I was infatuated with him. Even after this, and not being able to walk without excruciating pain the next day, we never explicitly talked about it.



Doran Lamb

Top Writer in Mental Health + Psychology + Love. Acute observer of the stigma surrounding mental health and addiction.