Modern sex

Navigating Cultural Shifts in Casual Sex

We all own our sexualities no matter what culture tells us.

Rachel Raven
Published in
8 min readApr 1, 2020


illustration: Nastia L.

Casual sex, especially between strangers, can make great fantasy. But, I have some conflicted feelings about doing it in real life. I’m not speaking from the perspective of a prude — I am a former escort. But, I have a hard time having this kind of sexual encounter devoid of intimacy.

The idea of sex between strangers isn’t limited to this current era. In fact, in 1973, Erica Jong defined it as a “zipless fuck” in her semi-autobiographical novel, Fear of Flying. She wrote this book on the heels of the sexual revolution that began in the late 1960s. A zipless fuck is a sexual encounter between two strangers where there is little — or no — personal information shared.

There’s no shame or regret in highlighting the sexual freedom celebrated during that time. However, it is important to note the context of this conception of sexual interaction. In the early 1970s, the second wave of feminism was burgeoning. There was increased access to contraception, including the pill, which allowed women to control their reproductive choices. Abortion was legalized that year so women could safely choose to avoid the consequences of pregnancy. All of this unlinked the relationship between sex and…



Rachel Raven

I love writing sensual stories and sharing them with other people.