Neuroscience Reveals the Parts of the Brain Responsible for Sexual Arousal & Orgasm

This is your brain on sex and orgasms

Joe Duncan


Art by Joe Duncan

Let me start this off by asking a question: where is the most erotic place you can touch a woman? What place will drive her wild, sending tingling feelings throughout her body? What’s the number one place you want to stimulate if you want to leave her speechless?

The answer is her brain.

More specifically, her primary somatosensory cortex.

Sounds sterile, scientific, and probably ultra-boring, I know, but hear me out.

If you want to rock a woman’s world, you want to touch her right here:

Journal of Neuroscience

The primary somatosensory cortex is the place where women feel erotic pleasure in their brains when sexual touch occurs.

They say the orgasm is in the mind, and modern neuroscience is showing that’s more than just a kitsch cliché.

The Aroused Brain

In a new study published in The Journal of Neuroscience, December 2021, titled Sensory-Tactile Functional Mapping and Use-Associated

