No, You’re Not Normal (But Who Is?)

Being normal is the only thing that isn’t normal

Ena Dahl
Published in
7 min readSep 11, 2020


Elena Krima via Pexels

Are my sexual kinks and urges normal? Is liking or feeling what I do normal? Am I normal? Please, tell me I’m normal!

Growing up, I gobbled up sex advice columns like a stoner would a plate of cheese nachos. I simply could not get enough. While doing so, I realized that almost every single reader sought to have the same big question answered: Am I normal?

I suspect a big reason why anyone reads these columns is that; to confirm that we are more or less normal—that there are others out there like us.

What does it mean to be normal, and, is it something to strive for?

The M-W Dictionary defines normal as conforming to a type, standard, or regular pattern: characterized by that which is considered usual, typical, or routine.

Sounds kinda boring, if you ask me?

Sure, there are things we want and need to be normal. It’s generally desired to have a body that functions more or less normally; a regular heart rate, temperature, metabolism, and so on. Some normalcy when it comes to routines like sleep pattern and working hours are generally sought after too.

But, when it comes to our sex lives, should normal be the goal?



Ena Dahl

Multidisciplinary creatrix; conscious kink & sensuality coach, educator, author, energy worker & rope (s)witch.