Researchers Asked Men To Choose Their Favorite Vulva Shape

Of course, they struggled to pick just one

Carlyn Beccia


What vagina shape do men prefer?
Viktoria Slowikowska on pexels

In 1996, Dr. Paula Pendergrass set out to do the unthinkable— measure the average vagina.

To accomplish this feat, she used dental silicone to make delicate molds of each fold and crevice. Unfortunately, Pendergrass struggled to get funding, so she had to use cadavers and even her own vagina. Oh, and she was also called a “dirty old woman” for her work. So there’s that.

But Pendergrass’s objective was not salacious. She wanted to determine how the shape of a woman’s vulva and vagina might impact childbirth and sexual pleasure.

Her research identified five common genital shapes — conical, parallel sides, the heart, the pumpkin seed, and slug.

Slug? What kind of slug? Because if your lady bits look like one of those fantastical sea slugs, that’s kind of badass. But the tentacled mollusk that admits slime… no thanks. We can do better.

A woman’s genitals are not sluggish. They are delicate flowers that bloom and die depending on the season.

Too purple prose(y)? Perhaps. But I get poetic when discussing female anatomy.

Thankfully, researchers do not. They asked over 2000 men what vulva shape they…



Carlyn Beccia

Author & illustrator. My latest books — 10 AT 10, MONSTROUS: THE LORE, GORE, & SCIENCE, and THEY LOST THEIR HEADS. Contact: