Science | Sexuality

Science Explains Why Men Enjoy Watching Their Partners Have Sex

Science has explored open relationships over the last few years and it has a lot to say about MFM encounters

Joe Duncan
Published in
10 min readDec 6, 2021


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It seems so bizarre, so strange, so unusual whenever people go against the usual grain of convention, breaking taboos for a little thrill in the bedroom.

Some people become aroused at the mere thought of the danger implied in public sex. Other people get their thrills incorporating pain into their pleasure, breaking down the standardized bodily conventions thrust upon us by nature herself.

But others enjoy another kind of taboo that most of us would blush over, as we announce loudly that this particular kink is totally off-limits.

“Unthinkable,” we might say, to describe the practice of partner-sharing, men consenting to allow their partners to have sex with other men.

It’s no surprise why this is the case. Since time immemorial, at least since we were able to conceptualize the sex-conception-parenthood link, men have lived in utter terror of the thought of their partners straying, finding another piece of action on the side, and possibly coming home pregnant with another man’s child.

