Sex and Our Unspoken Truths

Why we should confess what we want, however dirty

Zoe Naz


Pexel — Photo by Mikhail Nilov

Discover our unspoken truths.
That’s what sex should unearth.

Yet, most of us, sit in the comfortable silence.
In our comfortable homes.
In our comfortable routines.
In our comfortable beds.
Afraid to get dirt under our nails.

We recognize that once it’s there, it’s hard to wash out.
So in that comfort, remains our dirty truths.

That some of us would gladly pay to tell her exactly how we like our cock sucked. And our balls licked. With no strings attached.

To feel relaxed and relieved. To get sure-fire satisfaction for the hours we’ve slaved away at our desks staring at spreadsheets and emails.

To know the true power of a $100 bill. To feel alive, if just for an hour.

…or that some of us would like to be dominated by two men to finally surrender control for the otherwise perfectly manufactured and safe lives we lead. To feel special. Or not special at all. To be punished for all the guilt we carry.

To try on another…



Zoe Naz

Writer | Provocative ideas on sex, relationships & culture | Lover of darkness, duality, and depth /