Sex Is The Most Powerful Medicine

Up the dose on this natural super drug through times of crisis

Ena Dahl
Published in
4 min readMar 17, 2020


Staying healthy is at the top of everyone’s list right now, for obvious reasons. Personally, I’ve stocked up on all the good stuff, from vitamin C and zink to Cistus tea, CBD oil, and Amla powder. I have bags of oranges and lemons, fresh ginger and dried Thyme, Oregano oil and home-brewed fire tonic. My crew and I are covered!

Still, my foremost medicine of all is not just free and abundant but is created, in part, by myself. My best remedy for everything is touch—and, yes, sex!

Right now we should limit the touching to a select few.

I recently published an article advocating hunkering down, either alone or with our partner(s), in order to flatten the curve. Slowing down the spreading of this pesky pandemic is only one reason why lots of sex (in isolation) is a great idea right now:

Sex is your best health tonic.

No other activity has had a more profound effect on my mental and physical health and well being over the last few years than sex. Not only has it helped me reclaim my personal power and heal the wounds of my past, it keeps me sane and healthy on a regular basis; it both calms me down and…



Ena Dahl

Multidisciplinary creatrix; conscious kink & sensuality coach, educator, author, energy worker & rope (s)witch.