Sexless Men Are Stuck in an Evolutionary Trap

Gen Z has become the sexless generation. Has changing cultural norms collided with sexual selection?

Carlyn Beccia


Sexless Men Are Stuck in an Evolutionary Trap. Gen Z has become the sexless generation. Has changing cultural norms collided with sexual selection?
Licensed from Raw Pixel

In the balmy days of early spring, two biologists, Darryl Gwynne, and David Rentz, were insect hunting along a dusty Western Australian highway when they stumbled upon something strange. Along the side of the highway was a "stubbie" — a short, fat, glass, amber-colored beer bottle common in Australia. At first, they thought nothing of the litter, but then they looked closer.

A fervent beetle clung to the outside of the stubbie like a drowning sailor. They shook and shook the bottle, but the beetle would not let go.

Their curious eyes moved closer to identify this rogue bug. They immediately recognized it as an Australian jewel beetle (Julodimorpha bakewelli). But these beetles were not lapping up surgery beer with their mandibles (mouths). They had a different appendage protruding — their aedeagus — the insect version of the penis.

Of course, most scientists would ask an obvious question — why was beer making this male jewel beetle so darn horny?

That's when they found three more stubbies and, sure enough, more male beetles "mounting" the bottles with some serious insectile ardor. Intrigued by this…



Carlyn Beccia

Author & illustrator. My latest books — 10 AT 10, MONSTROUS: THE LORE, GORE, & SCIENCE, and THEY LOST THEIR HEADS. Contact: