Stop Shaming Me for Loving the Deepthroat!

There’s no right or wrong way to give a blow-job.

Ena Dahl
Published in
5 min readJan 3, 2020


If performed willingly and enthusiastically between consenting adults, there’s no wrong way to have sex. Period.

I personally love to deepthroat

That doesn’t make me a circus act, a porn star, a pervert or a slut. It doesn’t make me less of a feminist, less decent or less good. It doesn’t make me less of anything!

It simply makes me a woman who likes to deepthroat.

The fact that I—or anyone else—enjoy this is perfectly fine. It makes us neither worse nor better. If you don’t like it, the same goes for you: We shouldn’t be shamed for our sexual preferences as long as they’re legal and consensual.

This is true for all sex acts: Some really love oral, and some not so much. Some are self-declared anal queens and others can’t stand it. Some are into hard, deep penetration, while others prefer it more gentle…and so on.

Whatever rocks your boat—you do you!

For god's sake, please let me do me without calling me a freakshow.

I’ve read multiple articles about the right or good way to give blowjobs, and some say that no real women like to deepthroat. The…



Ena Dahl

Multidisciplinary creatrix; conscious kink & sensuality coach, educator, author, energy worker & rope (s)witch.