The 5 Most Popular Sex Positions In The World

According to the two experts: Google and Pornhub

Ash Jurberg
Published in
5 min readJan 31, 2023


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Picture this scenario.

You meet an attractive person at the bar. After a few drinks, you engage in conversation and quickly establish an intense connection. Then, you suggest that you go somewhere quieter to talk and get to know each other, and before you know it — you're back at your place.

Feeling horny and amorous, you whisk off your clothes and jump into bed. It's sexy time…

But first. You take out your phone and Google 'reverse cowgirl.'


It's not quite the scene from a porno. Or even a third-rate romance novel. But somewhere around the world, someone is Googling a sex position. Or perhaps jumping onto Pornhub for a tutorial.

In today's digital age, it's not uncommon for individuals to turn to the internet for information about sex positions, even at inopportune times.

So what are they searching for?

I’m glad you asked. For that, we shall turn to two experts in the field of search — Google and Pornhub.

Part One: The Google results

