The 6 Best Things I’ve Learned From Watching Porn

It definitely changed my sex life for the better.

Caitlin Jill


Photo by Charles Deluvio on Unsplash

No matter what they try to tell you, most people watch porn. If they don’t, it’s usually because they’re just not sure where to start. In my experience, there’s not much in between.

The whole “I watch porn but am still going to shame the people who make it” thing has always really bothered me. Most of us watch porn and reap the benefits of it, so why should we be upset with the people who are making it for us. Without them, there wouldn’t be porn, right? Right, so please, let’s all calm down about that. There are a lot of benefits to watching porn. It can help you explore your wildest fantasies. It can help you figure out what you like and what you don’t. It can help you spend quality time making yourself feel good.

It can also teach you a lot about sex that you can then apply to your own sex life. That’s what it did for me.

Let me be clear though. I don’t think we should be trying to model our entire sex lives after what we see in porn. There are a lot of factors that go into porn that are hard to replicate in our own sex lives, and if we try too much to make every single sexual encounter play out exactly like our favorite porn scenes, we’re definitely going to end up disappointed.



Caitlin Jill

Queer, polyam, neurodivergent Los Angeles based writer with a lot of stories to tell. I enjoy being myself and talking about sex.