The Ancient Hotwife Culture Who Loved Wife-Swapping

What the Romans had to say about the Etruscans leads us to believe they loved some familiar erotic dynamics.

Joe Duncan


Etruscan Boccanera Plaques from Cerveteri in the British Museum London; Public Domain

This profound resignation makes you mine forever. I intend, tomorrow, to treat you to an orgy of delights, to make all your senses boil. I want you to behold me in pleasure’s throes; and I want to behold you in them; and when we are both very merry and very high from lewd sights and lewd doings, you shall be given the venom that is to put an end to the abhorrent existence of that contemptible creature I failed to avoid bringing into this world.

— Marquis de Sade; Juliette

A curious distortion happens when we look back on our distant past as a species, and a tendency to whitewash history flows naturally from us as readily as we intuit the sweetness of sugar or the bitterness of pure cocoa.

When we think of our parents or grandparents, we tend to think of them as asexual stoics belonging more to polite society than kinky bedrooms.

Yet, we know that for us to be here, sex must’ve transpired between them at some point.

Truthfully, there’s been a long arch of erotic trends that has spanned for millennia. As Abrahamic religions rose, sex was smitten by the…

