The Book Dungeon — Censoring Erotica

The tactics used to censor erotic books and how to deal with them

Hermes Solenzol


Screenshot from Amazon KDP showing book covers that they find acceptable and unacceptable.

How to lock a book in a dungeon

This is how they lock a book in a dungeon. You let the writer go through the process of publishing the book. Posting the formatted text, the cover and book description. Checking all the appropriate boxes. Filling in all the required information. Press ‘publish’ and the book appears on the dashboard as being sold online. However, if the publisher doesn’t like the book, he changes the algorithm so that the book no longer appears on searches. He does not alert the author of this little detail. The writer notices that the book is not selling and wonders why.

There is an easy way for an author to find out if her book is in the Book Dungeon: search the book title or the author’s name. If the book does not appear, it is in the dungeon.

I don’t know when Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) started doing this, but it came to the attention of the author community in 2013. The practice continues to this day.

Amazon has been very, very good to me

And to countless new authors around the world.



Hermes Solenzol

Professor of neuroscience. Pain researcher. Old-school Leftist. Science, philosophy, politics and kinky sex.