The Hottest Ways to Use a Belt in the Bedroom

From the girl with the belt fetish

Zoe Naz


Image by FULVIO_TOGNON from Pixabay

On my knees. Staring up at him while he takes off his belt in front of my eyes. My mouth salivating in anticipation.

Most people’s sexual fantasies have familiar beginnings. Belt unbuckling is mine. For it’s not just the sight of a man removing his belt that gets me wet, but how he might use it later.

Adding toys to the bedroom doesn’t have to come from a drawer of leather paraphilia. Often, it’s a simple accessory at waist level just waiting for moments of spontaneity to arise. Here are the best ways this fashion accessory can be incorporated into bedroom play from the girl with the belt fetish.


Sometimes, I like to mix it up and remove the belt with a combination of my hands and teeth. Once I have the belt removed, I may hand it back to my man while he places it under my chin to tilt my head up slightly before guiding me to begin oral pleasure. There are other ways to guide as well. Simply wrapping it around the torso of the person you’re with and leading them into the bedroom. It’s a subtly dominate move that sets your intentions, and forecasts what is to come.




Zoe Naz

Writer | Provocative ideas on sex, relationships & culture | Lover of darkness, duality, and depth /