The Mental Health Benefits of Male Masturbation

An interview with Dr. Christopher Jones, a clinical psychologist and sex therapist.

Benjamin Davis


Illustration by Monreold commissioned for this interview

Spanking the monkey, making the bald man cry, burping the worm, celebrating Palm Sunday. Whatever you call it, you’ve done it. Yes, I’m talking about masturbating. I thought I knew everything there is to know about jerkin’ the gherkin. Yet, after, a chat with Dr. Christopher Jones, a clinical psychologist, and sex therapist, about male masturbation, I can now admit I was wrong. Just like how kneading dough for 10,000 hours doesn’t make you a professional baker, my lifetime achievement award for strangling my cyclops is nothing more than a paperweight.

Until this opportunity presented itself, I didn’t realize how many questions I had about shucking corn. How much is too much? Is no-fap really good for you? Are there health benefits to making a tartar sauce rainbow? Should I stop using euphemisms when I talk about masturbation and be a grown-up?

Dr. Jones answered these and many more for me about the health and wellness side of (fine) male masturbation. Here are some of his insights:

Could you introduce yourself and talk a little bit about your qualifications and what you do?

