The One Thing That Can Make a Man Better At Sex

Is the one thing that can make him a better man

Dona Mwiria


Photo by lucas da miranda from Pexels

There’s nothing as sexy as witnessing the male sexual energy: the urge, the build-up, the hunger, and the need to release is honestly spectacular.

But it can also be very disappointing.

What do I mean?

Well, at times men get too far ahead of themselves. They rush and before you know it, they’re at the finish line and sex is over. Women are then left feeling sexually frustrated. We’re so frustrated that our breasts can’t handle it. A study has shown that sexual frustration in women leads to breast cancer.

We’re not bashing quickies. In fact we love them!

It’s just very disappointing getting a snack when one expected a full course meal.

Let’s be honest: some men are either selfish in the bedroom or clueless about the workings of the female body. They think real-life sex is what’s portrayed in porn. They think a vagina works just like their penis. They expect the vagina to get wet as fast as their penis gets hard.

A woman’s vagina doesn’t operate like that!

It needs time to get wet, time that most men don’t have the patience for. It requires effort, effort that most men don’t want to…



Dona Mwiria

I have a Masters degree in Biochemistry. I write about science, sexuality and relationships. If you you enjoy research with a touch of humor… I’m your writer