The Steamy Side of the Olympics: Sex, Scandals, and Stories from the Village

Gold Medals and Bedpost Notches: Inside the Olympic Sex Scene

Ash Jurberg
Published in
5 min readJul 25, 2024


Four American female competitors celebrating
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The atmosphere was unlike anything I had experienced. People from around the world, singing, dancing, cheering and drinking together as one. Flags were waved, pins and badges exchanged, and new friends were made. If there was a scene that could perfectly encapsulate human connection, this was it.

Despite living in Melbourne, I took a one-hour flight to Sydney to soak in the Olympic atmosphere for a few days. Tickets were hard to get, but I attended a few lesser-known events. However, mingling with tourists was even more enjoyable.

Little did I know, much more was happening around me, including love stories involving future tennis legends and royalty.

But beyond the love stories, sexual activity was abundant.

The atmosphere is perfect for a sex smorgasbord, a unique environment where young, physically fit people from around the world gather, ready to celebrate after years of intense training. The Olympics are not just a showcase of athletic prowess but also a social and cultural melting pot.

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