What Happens When a Stripper Gets Her Period?

Spoiler alert : we still go to work when we get our periods.

Erin Taylor


Photo by Gabrielle Rocha Rios on Unsplash

A person’s menstrual cycle can’t affect their job performance, I always thought. Even if their job is stripping down to a lace thong, spinning upside down on a 10-foot chrome pole, and putting their body in the hands of multiple horny strangers, right?

Okay, so maybe my job makes “going to work on my period” a bit unique.

Full disclosure, I’ve never worked at a fully nude gentlemen’s club, so my experience only speaks to being a topless dancer while on my period. I never had to remove my panties for a lap dance. I also have a very light period and my cycles usually last 4–5 days max; every period is different.

I have friends who worked at nude clubs and they worked even when they were actively bleeding and cramping. They’d use either a tampon and cut the string for visibility, or they’d wear a menstrual cup because the show must go on. They liked to joke that the money was always more effective than an Advil for relieving their menstrual cramps; their undying optimism made me laugh.

A stripper doesn’t skip work because of their period, unless their period is severe, which is true for many individuals with underlying conditions like fibroids, PCOS or Endometriosis…



Erin Taylor

I overshare to show you the human side of the strip club. Send me a message and support my website at https://ko-fi.com/erintaylor