There Are Right and Wrong Ways to Kiss

Screwing it up might be ruining ‘your game’

Ena Dahl
Published in
6 min readJun 29, 2020


I love kissing. A lot! I’ll kiss for hours if you let me, from small pecks to deep French; I’ll nibble, smack, lick and lap, on your neck, cheeks, ears, and, of course, your lips.

There are so many right and scrumptious ways to kiss—but, there’s also a wrong way, or a few…

If you haven’t mastered the fine art of kissing, you could be sabotaging your chances of other physical pleasures as well.

The significance of the kiss

I’m often sharing from my personal perspective, but I believe I speak for most when I say that we love to kiss and we want lots of it!

Kissing is an important component of any romantic relationship. It’s a fundamental way of showing love and affection and to strengthen our bonds with each other. Besides, kissing is an integral part of sex (at least in a relationship) and you can’t have good sex with subpar kissing. Lastly, if you’re a terrible kisser, chances are you’re not a great sexual partner either.

Kiss me, and you will see how important I am.
—Sylvia Plath

Women kiss and tell



Ena Dahl

Multidisciplinary creatrix; conscious kink & sensuality coach, educator, author, energy worker & rope (s)witch.