Vaginal Douching; Here Is Why Obgyns say “Don’t Do it”

Doctors are against misguided feminine hygiene advice

Dr Jeff Livingston


image with permission

Despite what your Grandma told you, douching is a #badidea. Almost one in five women douche under the false impression it reduces infections and improves hygiene. It does not. Douching disrupts the vaginal ecosystem and increases the risk of infections.

Douching is not a new idea. Myths, wive’s tales, and home remedies riddled with erroneous concepts of vaginal cleanliness and pregnancy prevention are a part of human history.

In ancient Egypt, the en vogue vaginal cleansing remedy was a mixture of wine, vinegar, and garlic. In the middle ages, we progressed to steaming the vagina with an herbal blend through a process called vaginal fumigation. This futile technique was popular among prostitutes to wash away semen and reduce disease.

In the mid 19th century, french doctors promoted vaginal hygiene products as a tool for better health. In the 20th century, Lysol promoted its products as the poor man’s emergency birth control.

We may laugh at the inept and misguided medical history practices, but the feminine hygiene industry is alive and well and living on Amazon. Celebrities endorse the Yoni Steam system. Women sit on a mini-throne while a combination of infrared



Dr Jeff Livingston

Obgyn, Husband, Father, & Entrepreneur. Writing about Women’s Health, Parenting, and Self-improvement. CEO of & founder of