We Had Sex, Then He Told Me We Were Married

That wasn’t part of my plan for the evening.

Dahlia Stone


Photo by Sandy Millar via Unsplash

A few years after college, I ran into a classmate when I was out with some friends. He was telling me what happened to everyone we used to hang out with. It turned out a guy we knew, James, was working two doors down from me. I thought it was interesting we had never run into each other.

James was a friend of my college boyfriend. Having the same major, we had a few classes together and work together on a magazine at the university. I had never given him much thought but remember he was an interesting guy.

I stopped by one day on a break to see if he was around. It was fun to catch up. We exchanged numbers and talked on the phone a couple times. In a week or so, when we both had some time, we planned to get together.

He was tall and attractive in that brooding way I still found exciting and attractive in my 20s. We were both artistic and struggled as writers. I write short fiction and he wrote poetry.

We went to get something to eat and talked about books and films and what was really striking at the heart of us at that time.

Later, we decided to watch some artsy film at my apartment. We sat close on the couch. Lights were off and we were leaned into each other. We…

