What Does Vagina Really Taste Like?

He said “Your vagina tastes truly magical”

Hakima T A N T R I K A


Image by Irina_iris from Shutterstock

My lover came over for dinner the other night. As the night progressed into the bedroom, my vagina did its thing and proceeded to get very wet.

Arturo slowly removed my clothes and made his way down my body.

Later, he said to me:

‘Your vagina tastes truly magical.’

But, what is the taste of magic?

Maybe, like me, you have no clue and are wondering what a vagina really tastes like. Or perhaps you have been privileged enough to taste a vagina.

I have heard vaginas described as sweet, salty, sour, metallic, spicy, and even fishy.

A healthy vagina seems to taste slightly sour due to its acidic pH. But vagina tastes vary throughout the menstrual cycle. A metallic taste is likely due to the incoming flow of blood for example.

While I can’t really answer what a vagina tastes like since I’ve never eaten one, I can accurately answer what affects our pussy flavors and make suppositions on what a vagina really tastes like.

And if you know, I’d love your input!




Hakima T A N T R I K A

Scholar-practitioner of Classical Tantra with 15 years' experience, launching Quantum Tantra, a 3-month online program for the down-to-earth spiritual seekers