What Is Needle Play, and How Can ‘That’ Be Sexy?

I tried a kink I never thought I would. Here’s what I learned…

Ena Dahl
Published in
8 min readJul 17, 2020


Photo by Jay S. Laffat

I used to ask this question myself. When I started perusing the BDSM scene I came across images of people with needles poked through their skin—some using the colored ends (which I later learned referred to their gauge) to produce intricate patterns and shapes, and I’d scoff at it:

How can that possibly be sexy? Or even exciting? It looks painful, and not in a good way.

Not kink-shaming though; whatever greases your crankshaft—you do you! I wasn’t scared or repulsed — by needles or by blood—I simply didn’t get. What’s the point? What does it do?

Strange, I thought. Next!

Then, I went to a needle workshop

Fast forward to a few months ago, right before COVID19 hit Europe, my partner and I were planning to meet some friends at a casual play-party. The event description announced that there’d be a needle play workshop before.

—Wanna do it? he asked.

—Sure! I responded, surprising even myself.

At this point, we’ve both seen a lot. He’s even done a full-on hook suspension, which I’d certainly deem insane a few years ago. Now, knowing that my…



Ena Dahl

Multidisciplinary creatrix; conscious kink & sensuality coach, educator, author, energy worker & rope (s)witch.