What It’s Really Like to Go to a Sex Party

It might look a little different than you think.

Caitlin Jill


Photo by Dainis Graveris on Unsplash

When I was getting ready to go to my very first sex party in October 2018, I had absolutely no idea what to expect. A guy I’d just started seeing asked if I wanted to be his date since his primary partner couldn’t go. It was only our third date, and honestly, I couldn't think of a better activity. I was so excited, but also super nervous.

On the way there, I tried to ask him as many questions as I could think of, but I was also kind of hitting a wall because I realized I had no idea what I was supposed to be asking. I knew it was being hosted in a hotel room, so that already tossed out the very movie-like picture of sex parties that often comes up. It’s not the kind of thing we’re taught to be prepared for.

When you think of the term “sex party,” a lot of images probably start swirling around in your mind. Huge mansions with women dressed up in fancy lingerie and masquerade masks. Dark, intimate settings with mood music playing the whole time. People having wild sex everywhere you turn. Sleepless nights. Playboy.

Sometimes, that glamourous, movie-style picture of a sex party is true. The thing is, sex parties come in all shapes and sizes. They’re not always going to look one way, and for me personally, they’ve never…



Caitlin Jill

Queer, polyam, neurodivergent Los Angeles based writer with a lot of stories to tell. I enjoy being myself and talking about sex.