What Makes a Man Hopelessly Inadequate in the Bedroom?

The one common theme among the men who’ve been everything from mediocre to downright bad at sex

Nicole Mackenna


Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

I guess I’m lucky that I get to tell you that I’ve had a lot of sex in my life. I’ve tried a few different men and found things that were appreciable in each of them, each having their own different, unique flavor of enjoyable, each also having their own drawbacks. Everyone, I repeat, everyone has things they could work on in the bedroom because sex is like an art form, it’s something that we can always improve, always learn, and always appreciate in the process.

If you’re one of those blessed men who’ve decided to humble yourself enough to ask, “How can I be a better lover? What makes a man bad at sex?” read on, and hopefully, this story will help you to answer those questions.

While each of the lovers I’ve had has been different, there were also some common themes among them. Some guys had erectile dysfunction — yes, even in their twenties and thirties — other guys had body issues, other guys couldn’t last exceptionally long, and other guys were just a bore.

I know you’re probably thinking that not having a working penis, having a small penis, not knowing how to thrust with vigor, or not having a totally dominant…

