What Makes Men View Women As Objects — The Science Behind Objectification

It’s not misogyny; it’s science

Meghan Madness


Photo made by the author on Canva

No doubt men and women are wired differently; we are primarily visibly, mentally, and emotionally diverse. When analyzing the brain of men, studies found that depending on the visual appearance of a woman determined how the man perceived her as a human being. Does this necessarily mean that certain women should be viewed as less then? Certainly not. But science does back the rationality behind the reasoning of why man’s brains function in this manner.

The brain

Our brains mostly see men as whole beings, and women as parts. Yeah, that just sounds unfair, but there is a reason behind it. Science is yet to find if it’s evolutionary or caused by another source – such as the media. Since discovering that some women also view other women in this manner it’s suggested that the media could be the culprit. Women are primarily the source of advertising and other means of displaying content across the media.

Men, whether they’re straight or gay, tend to respond automatically to attractive body parts. Women’s desire tends to be more context-dependent. When assessed in the laboratory, there are well-established statistical differences in the erotic response patterns of populations of men and women.



Meghan Madness

I Write about controversial subjects. Typically Religious.