What’s Holding You Back from the Sex You Want

And how to fix it.

Jessica Wildfire



You’ve tried everything, but you still can’t get laid. Maybe you can’t even find a date. You’re scared to ask anyone out.

Look, I don’t know you. What I do know is that I’m married to someone who had the same problems. And I had issues with intimacy, too. Here’s what we figured out. Maybe it’s helpful, or it isn’t.

Here we go…

Figure out what you want

Odds are, you’re not sure. You might think you know, but it’s worth interrogating yourself. Some people think they want a bunch of casual sex, when they really want a serious relationship.

And vice versa.

You might think you want one kind of relationship because you saw it on a show, or some girl’s Instagram. You chase the fantasy of sex on the beach with a 10, when you really want hot chocolate with the girl next door.

If you only pursue what you think you want, you’re going to screw it up. You’re going to sabotage yourself. You’re going to seek the wrong kind of partner, and it won’t be a good match.

This is something we all do, and have to learn to quit. Hey, maybe you don’t even want sex, or a relationship at all. You might be much happier with a sexbot, and that’s…

