When the Hotel Neighbors Are Having More Vacation Sex

Nobody said this was supposed to be a competition.

Greyson Ferguson


Photo by Bruno van der Kraan on Unsplash

Sunlight hadn’t fully seeped in through window shades, but our afterglow burned bright in the hotel room. Surrounded by crumpled sheets and heavy breaths, the two of us lay there, hair sticking to sweaty brows. For a time, neither of us talked. There was no need. We’d said everything we needed a few moments earlier.

And then she giggled.

“What?” I asked playfully.

“Do you think the neighbors heard us?”

“Probably,” I said, my fingers gently tracing over the crown of her head. She wrapped her arm around my torso. “We sure heard them.”

Another giggle. “They were so loud!”

She was so loud.”

“Such a screamer. There’s no way we were as loud.”

“Maybe we should both scream next time.”

She squeezed me tightly as her head searched for optimal comfort against my chest. “After breakfast. And more sleep.”

I shivered. Sweat and air conditioning had finally worked their way past thumping hearts and surging blood flows. She pulled the sheets tightly around us. Perfectly content, I closed my eyes and waited for the world to drift…



Greyson Ferguson

You might hate my first story, but maybe you’ll like the next. Ever dream of moving out of the U.S.? I wrote a book that can help: https://t.ly/OcQYG